
 A real estate consultant is a property expert who provides clients with exceptionally good business advices and investment opportunities when they want to purchase, trade or make investments. They interact closely with individuals during the purchase and sale of real estate.

Time Square real estate consultants, unlike standard real estate brokers, are totally voluntary. Though both positions often require a real estate or broker’s license, our real estate consultants advise clients and do reviews and study the profitability of different properties or area. Our consultants do not end up replacing an agent or broker during an original transaction because they are not engaged in the sale of a property.

The advantages of hiring our consultants include the premium features we may provide, such as competitive evaluation, lease management, and portfolio management. As a result, Time Square’s real estate consultants work with a wide range of customers, including building companies, business owners, third-party stakeholders such as community banks, and even financial lenders. In contrast to traditional agents, our real estate consultants in Pakistan frequently charge an overall rate for their services when dealing with customers.

What We Do

We, at Time Square, advise our clients based on significant study and professional experience. The very first step is to interact with the client to understand the major and subsidiary goals. Once the goals have been established, our consultant will devise a strategy to attain the client in the most cost-effective manner possible. The precise job our consultants provide is determined by the sort of client with whom they engage. Our consultants assisting on a property development project, for instance, are usually recruited well before land is even obtained. The client relies on our consultant to confirm the investment’s profitability. Our consultants accomplish this by visiting the prospective job location, interacting with local real estate agents, and researching marketing strategies.

Our Role

Time Square‘s principle task is to guide their customers through the purchasing or sales process in order to help them achieve their personal objectives. During the first appointment with a client, our real estate consultants most likely discuss their goals. Once the goals have been determined, our consultancy team begins conducting the necessary research to assist the client in achieving specific goals in an efficient and cost-effective manner. Finally, our role is to provide neutral expert advice as to whether a property investment or transaction is a proper business option.

For example, if a property owner wished to create a 40-unit apartment complex on their site, our real estate development expert would do research and collect any relevant information on their results, as well as their experience. Observations, discussions with local real estate specialists, city planners, or discussions with community leaders or politicians could all be part of this study.

Assume there is a potential home buyer. Our real estate agent would simply assist the customer in purchasing a home because they desire it. We, as real estate consultants, will inquire about the buyer’s precise goals and objectives in order to assist them in selecting a property that meets their needs. Once a certain property is chosen, our consultant will assist the client in determining whether it is a good financial option to purchase the home, taking into account financial sustainability and economic uncertainty.

Our real estate consultants frequently disclose details to the buyer that the broker will not. We discuss with our customers, for instance, the owner’s intentions for selling or leasing, insufficient transaction records, or anything else that the broker will not want to share. Our consultant’s role is to include as much information as possible that the customers require to make their decision, resulting in fewer complications later on.

Our Skills

To properly appraise assets and expenditures for their clients, our modern real estate consultants have good intellectual skills. To manage all areas of the consulting arrangement, we’ll need a lot of attention to detail.

Furthermore, Time Square’s real estate consultant is inclined to work with a number of agencies or clients. Because a consultancy works with a variety of people, having an authorization service allows them to join and exit locations with ease. If we are only dealing with a client or buyer for a short time, using an access control service to distribute or access permissions to a house without having to collect keys, remotes, or change pin numbers might be a convenient way of sharing or revoking entry.

The consultant can rest easy knowing that their properties, as well as their clients’ assets, are safe. A real estate consultant may handle the tiniest things simply with a user access system that allows multiple individuals from the consulting team to enter using their smartphones or cards.

Using an access control mechanism for their real estate assets also contributes to the safety and security of the property. It ensures that only those who have been given permission to enter the premises can do so.

How We Benefit Our Client

Purchasing or selling a house is always a thrilling experience. It appears to be the beginning of a new era in our lives, one that will offer us more positive memories and improve our lives. However, when we try to go through it on our own, this delightful experience can sometimes go wrong. And, instead of being a seamless deal, it devolves into a nightmare that crushes our aspirations, ambitions, and hopes. As a result, having someone to lead us through the procedure with their experience and expertise is beneficial. And who better to guide us through this adventure than a professional real estate consultant!

The client obtains a great sense of flexibility in selecting only the services they require. If a buyer or seller believes they can handle some of the responsibilities involved with asset exhibitions, contract disputes, and anything else, they can choose to pay our real estate consultant only for the services they require.

This can save the buyer or seller a lot of money because a true consultant does not work for free, such as free comparative market analysis or buyer viewings. This means that sellers can earn lower marketing commissions and buyers can get credit points if they’ve spent for services delivered up to the closing date.

• Knowledge Based Guidance

Our property consultants offer a wealth of expertise in the real estate industry. We will be there for you at each phase of the process, ensuring you don’t waste time looking in unsuitable areas. We will accompany you to property visits, lay out numerous housing alternatives that best suit your needs, show you the finest opportunities to invest in, and give you professional pricing advice.

• Open Access to Homes and Buyers

Operating here in the real estate field for so long, gaining extensive knowledge of the market, and establishing a large network has allowed our property consultants to quickly locate a variety of homes and compile a list of potential buyers. Time Square’s property consultants’ various listing services, such as web-based listing sites, can also allow you to search for other houses or list your own in a couple of moments

• The Ideal House Match

If you have a certain feature in mind for your future house, such as spacious kitchens, adaptive structures, dual-level ceilings, or backyard landscaping ideas, our property consultant does know where to search.

• Buy Right, Save More

Property pricing is indeed an intangible concept that is adapted to local expertise and knowledge, as well as the current value. Our property consultants will advise you of the most competitively priced houses and bring you the greatest offers and discounts on the market, saving you a significant amount of money. They may also assist you in accurately determining the value of your property and selling it for a large profit.

• Successful Negotiations

Feelings might get in the way of business when purchasing or selling the property. This is where our property consultants come in to help with the agreements, which they do in a skilled and unbiased manner. When it comes to discussions about finances, they know how much the house is worth or have the skills to perform a successful presentation. They can also be incredibly convincing, contributing to the great offers being turned down.

• A Smooth Closing and A Happy Ending

And since you’re so close to completion, you wouldn’t want anything to go bad. Our skilled estate consultant can anticipate problems and assist you in overcoming them. We’ll help with the final documentation, making sure it’s all signed and completed. Now you can relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

The Types of Consultancies We Offer

Real estate consultants generally specialize in one type of business, while we at Time Square work with a variety of clients. Here are a few common examples of our real estate consultancy services.

• Property Development

From initiation to completion, our real estate consultants are employed to provide advice on corporate and real estate development projects. This may entail investigating future growth locations, performing feasibility analyses, and undertaking comparative evaluations.

Development consultants typically have experience in sales or marketing. Our consultants are hired by developers to provide a glimpse into buyer trends in order to create a property that is both economical and unique in the marketplace. Our real estate consultants cooperate with interior designers as well.

• Real Estate Investors

Investors who want to add real estate to their business may want to engage a real estate consultant to help them navigate the procedure. Our real estate consultant performs economic analysis in this area to guarantee that the investment is a sensible investment option for the buyer.

This could begin with price, production, and market research of the property type or region. Our consultancy expert then assesses the property’s commercial viability to estimate earnings under current economic conditions. The findings of this study are used to calculate the buyer’s risk and potential investment return. Property valuations and insurance carriers are also reviewed by our consultants.

• Consulting Firms

Large consultancies provide a variety of services to aid in the appraisal of a development plan or property investment. Time Square provides real estate consulting services to real estate investment trusts (REITs), other investors, borrowers, entrepreneurs, and corporate real estate collectives. Our consulting firm employs real estate consultants to provide due diligence, market studies, lease advising, and portfolio solutions. They also help with asset management, marketing, and economic analytics and modelling for real estate.

• Residential Clients

In addition to our regular real estate business, we also provide real estate consultancy services. In this scenario, our consultant assists the buyer in determining whether the purchase is a smart investment. We take into account the buyer’s objectives and examine all aspects of a potential purchase. Our consultants are able to provide entirely accurate and impartial recommendations because they are not paid on commission.

Our Services

For Expat Pakistanis

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Joint Venture

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Society Development

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Land Acquisition

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Portfolio Management

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 A real estate consultant is a property expert who provides clients with exceptionally good business advices and investment opportunities when they want to purchase, trade or make investments. They interact

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